Cover reveal

No writing update this week, since I’ve been on vacation, but I’ve got something special instead! As you see each week, the first draft of The Lost Portal is coming along, which means that we’ll be needing a cover. The wonderfully talented Kirbi...

Week 12: The Lost Portal In which I find myself barreling along pushing things towards the (hopefully) exciting climax and maneuvering skillfully (well, at least as skillfully as I can) so that all the players are in place for that big finish

Word count: ~40,000 of ~50,000 [80% of draft 1] Over 40,000 words and crankin’ ’em out furiously… Now it’s really getting to be fun. The fog of uncertainty has lifted and I can see the finish line and it’s a pure joy to write each scene again after sometimes...

Week 10: In which I finally began to get all my ducks in a row for the next four Empty World books by writing that scene I mentioned last week, and in the process I added a new twist to what will happen in those next four books

Word count: ~31,461 of ~58,000 [54% of draft 1] I’m doing something I haven’t done before in writing any of my books so far. I’m skipping ahead and writing scenes for specific POV’s. I’ve been averaging three or four scenes per chapter split amongst  my POV...